Spectre(1977) is a tv pilot from Gene Roddenberry. Gene Roddenberry of course was the creator of tv’s Star Trek (1966-9) and became a revered figure in genre fandom.
There are some
quite interesting actors around in other smaller parts. James Villiers, a stalwart of the British acting industry, makes for
a typically supercilious British upper-class type. A young John Hurt plays his younger brother; while Guy
Warner puts in a good performance as a skeptical medical colleague of Dr. Hamilton.
Honey Vicarro
This review of the "show that never was" - Honey Vicarro - was reportedly
The Guy's favorite. It's said the critic slipped it to him on the quiet, but from the shape it's in, we have to wonder if
the critic's wife fished it out of the trash and gave it to him.
