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Here's a chance for you to contribute.

This is your page.  We'll post the most interesting stories, questions and letters that we receive from you, and Jessica will try to answer your questons about The Guy.

Click here to email Jessica.

Ask around.  Maybe someone you know was a fan.  Maybe your grandmother met him. Watch his movies and tell us what you think.

Your filmography has Guy as a stagecoach passenger in "Blazing the Western Trail."  You're wrong.  The stagecoach passenger was Budd Buster.  I know because he was my grandfather's best friend.

Jessica says:
Dave, you're right, but you're wrong too. Budd Buster was the stagecoach passenger, but The Guy was in a second stagecoach, that was cut from the final version.  His one line? "Follow that wagon!"

I remember Guy Warner's guest role on Love American Style as the accounting stiff who buys a magical cologne from a hippie gypsy, then finds himself being literally mobbed by women.  What a riot!  He was such a facile comic actor of the "straight man" variety, I'm sure he'd now be playing the kinds of roles that go to William Shatner and Leslie Neilson.

Do you know if Guy did any other comic turns?

- Jeff Harrison

Jean says:
That scene's a favorite of mine, too, Jeff.  And how about the waiter in "The Mothers-in-law"?  The one who kept interrupting an important conversation with questions about their orders?

And the hotel desk clerk in 'Banacek" who didn't understand why P.I. Banacek was asking questions about a guest?

Come to think of it, he had quite a few comic turns, didn't he?


The site for fans of actor Guy "The Guy" Warner